Compare 27 real estate agents in Elsternwick, VIC 3185

27 agents in Elsternwick on our panel

There are 27 real estate agents in Elsternwick to compare at LocalAgentFinder. The average real estate agent commission rate is 1.68%. In Elsternwick over the last 12 months, there has been 218 properties sold, with an average sale price of $1,145,960. Properties in Elsternwick spend an average time of 46.04 days on the market.


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Knowing the agent's fees, commissions and performance in your suburb before you meet them puts you in a great position to negotiate. LocalAgentFinder's leading online comparison platform, selling guide and agent questionnaire gives you access to this information and much more.

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Why use Local​Agent​Finder?

The tools to make an informed decision

As well as commission rates, you can compare an agent's sales history, performance data, marketing strategies and homeowner reviews - allowing you to make an informed decision beyond how much they charge.

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Our service is 100% free for homeowners, with no strings attached. We make our money by charging the agent after they have successfully sold or rented your home.

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Our comparison service is completely unbiased. We provide you with agents based solely on your property requirements and preferences and we charge all agents the same fee whether they are in metropolitan Sydney or country NSW.

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LocalAgentFinder's leading digital comparison service allows you to compare agent fees & commissions, agent bios, agency information, selling strategies, sales performance, reviews and more.

Average sales prices and volume of sales in Elsternwick

Average sales prices and volume of sales in Elsternwick, VIC 3185

Average days on market vs fastest agency in Elsternwick

Average time to sell property in Elsternwick, VIC 3185

Understanding how much selling your property will cost you is made easier with LocalAgentFinder's leading online comparison service that provides you access to agent commission rates, marketing fees, unique selling strategies and more.

The most common type of property sold in Elsternwick are units with 56.42% of the market, followed by houses, and townhouses.

Current agents listings in Elsternwick

Current market listings in Elsternwick, VIC 3185

When you compare agents with LocalAgentFinder, you can compare 27 agents in Elsternwick, including their sales history, commission rates, marketing fees and independent homeowner reviews. We'll recommend the top three agents in Elsternwick, and provide you with your extended results set so you have the power to make an informed decision on choosing the right agent for your Elsternwick property sale. In Elsternwick, real estate agents have been ranked highly for skills and attributes such as Buyer Follow-up, Accurate Valuation, Outcome Driven, Friendly, Ethical, and Engaged. We know this because we ask homeowners like you about their experience with real estate agents in Elsternwick.

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Real estate agent comparison

To access more information on agents in your suburb such as their commission rates and marketing strategies, you can use our online agent comparison tool by clicking below.

Free online property valuation

If you're after an online property value estimate for your property along with even more data on your suburb, you can use our online property valuation tool by clicking below.

Real estate marketing strategies often vary between agents, with different marketing campaign options available to promote the sale of your property. LocalAgentFinder enables you to compare marketing strategies, sales performance, fees and more.

Average commission rate in Elsternwick


National average commission rate in metro areas


National average commission rate in regional areas


Frequently Asked Questions

Search and Compare Real Estate Agents in Elsternwick

Not many of us would choose to try to market and sell our property ourselves; we’d rather rely on an estate agent to do all the marketing and negotiations. After all, they are the experts. But how do you choose an agent to represent you – especially if there are many real estate agents in Elsternwick who have the potential to do a great job? When in this situation, many people rely on recommendations or simply choose an agent that they’re familiar with. But are these the best strategies to use? 

LocalAgentFinder aim to make it easier to choose an estate agent. We do so by providing property owners with some of the most comprehensive real estate agent comparison data available, so that you can make a decision based on the things that matter to you. For example, some agents may have a great reputation for quick sales, but they achieve these by pricing properties slightly under the market value. Others may take longer to sell a property, but they always achieve a price above market value. Some agents may specialise in a particular type of property or only handle rentals. 

The LocalAgentFinder Agent Data Comparison Service

While our site has a wealth of interesting information about local agents and the property market in general, the best way to find great local agents is to initiate a search. By inputting your details, you’ll be presented with selection of partner agents and not only be able to learn more about each agent but compare how they perform. The information we provide comes directly from the agents themselves and is combined with data from third-party sources.  In this way, we can ensure that it’s up to date and reliable and really gives you the opportunity to understand how agents operate and how successful they are in the local property market. 

With LocalAgentFinder you can compare: 

  • Agency bios, team size, languages spoken, office locations and experience

  • Marketing strategies and associated costs

  • Performance data, showing the average time it takes to sell properties, median selling prices, number of properties currently on the market and more

All the information is presented in a clear format to make it easy to compare your matched agents. Once you’ve done your comparisons, you can connect easily with as many or as few agents as you like and gain access to their commissions and fees before you make contact with them.

Our Comparison Service is Free for Property Owners

Our comparison service is offered at no cost to homeowners, whether you want to sell or rent out your property. When agents partner with us, they agree to pay a referral fee when they make a successful sale for a client acquired through our site. Every agent pays the same rate of commission so that no agent can receive more leads simply because they pay more. 

Start Your Search Today

Start your search today by inputting your details and find out which real estate agents in Elsternwick come up in your shortlist. It’s easy and quick to get started and we’re sure you’ll be delighted with the information you’ll receive.