Find a real estate agent to sell your home in Queensland

Average commission rate in Queensland


National average commission rate in metro areas


National average commission rate in regional areas


Why use Local​Agent​Finder?

All the data you need

At LocalAgentFinder, you can compare commission rates, sales history, performance data, marketing strategies and homeowner reviews to help you choose an agent based on their overall profile, rather than just how much their fees are.

Homeowners pay nothing

We provide our service free to homeowners. How do we do it? We make money by charging your chosen real estate agent a referral fee once they have sold or rented your home. They agree to this fee when they sign up with LocalAgentFinder.

An agent-neutral service

We provide you with agents based on your property requirements and preferences, and we charge all agents the same fee whether they are in metropolitan Melbourne or country Victoria.

Dedicated customer service

LocalAgentFinder is so much more than an online real estate database. We're real people who understand your needs. Our Australia-based homeowner assistance team are ready to help you in any way we can. Call us on 133 033 for an answer to any of your queries.

LocalAgentFinder's leading digital comparison service allows you to compare agent fees & commissions, agent bios, agency information, selling strategies, sales performance, reviews and more.

We're your local experts in Queensland

The Queensland property market is typically more cyclical than other Australian markets, influenced by changing trends in tourism, mining and migration.

While modest gains were recorded in 2017, conditions tend to vary across the state, with many regional areas still suffering a post-mining boom hangover. However, Brisbane, the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast are expected to experience a modest upturn, with young buyers seeking to take advantage of median house and unit prices while they last under $500k.

The cost of hiring an agent is just one of several factors to consider when comparing real estate agents in your local area. As well as finding an agent who charges competitive fees, you need to find one who has a good grasp of the local economy as well.

Understanding how much selling your property will cost you is made easier with LocalAgentFinder's leading online comparison service that provides you access to agent commission rates, marketing fees, unique selling strategies and more.

Other important thing to look for in a real estate agent

1. Knowledge

they need to have a sound understanding of the local market, including average house prices, current levels of demand, buyer demographics and how long it takes to sell.

2. Sales history

they must show a solid history of successful sales in your area, preferably in the last 12 months.

3. Experience

if they have experience selling similar property to yours, they will have a good idea about how to successfully market your property.

4. Previous clients

positive recommendations from past customers often provide a good indication of what your own experience is likely to be.

5. Agency

the agency which the agent belongs to should have adequate resources to deliver results. Also, the agency should be credible and well-respected in your area.

6. Marketing strategy

how they intend to sell your property will tell you whether the agent knows what they're doing, and whether you can afford their services.

7. Their personality

if they are confident in what they do, they'll inspire confidence in others. If they are charismatic, they'll be able to engage with potential buyers.

With LocalAgentFinder, you can compare many of these characteristics side by side including commission rates, sales history, marketing strategies and customer reviews. Simply enter your property details, requirements and preferences, then choose your location in Queensland. The search engine will do the rest.

More reasons to love us

We're very easy to use

Our user-friendly interface is so simple. Just fill in some details about your property and you'll be on your way to comparing agents in no time.

We compare agents' fees

LocalAgentFinder has been collecting real estate agent data for several years. You can compare rich and comprehensive fees and commissions data when choosing your agent.

You're in control

One of the great things about our service is that you choose to contact an agent. This means you can shortlist the ones you like, and discard the ones you don't - without any pressure. Our homeowner assistance team will help you connect with your choice of agent.

Understand agents' skills and attributes

Get to know your the agent's personality and ability to succeed by comparing their skills and attributes as reviewed by other homeowners like you, as well as looking at agent videos uploaded by agents themselves.

Real estate marketing strategies often vary between agents, with different marketing campaign options available to promote the sale of your property. LocalAgentFinder enables you to compare marketing strategies, sales performance, fees and more.